EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE is a registered charity/consulting organisation that provides clients with integral information that will help the individual to make better and healthier decision in regards to their health and daily nutrition. We do not claim to cure anything.
You are your own healer.
By purchasing our electric plant based products from EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE,
you acknowledge and agree to the following:
(1) I understand that I am ingesting electric plant-based products from Eat To Live Not To Die at my own discretion and I am well aware of the side effects commonly known as the “detoxification process” that may take place included but not limited to, upset stomach, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, sweating/perspiration, dizziness, sore muscles and/or joints, heartburn, watery eyes, dry mouth, runny nose, trembling and other symptoms similar to the common cold or otherwise.
(2) I understand that the electric plant-based products provided by Eat To Live Not To Die can only provide the best benefit when ingesting the right nutrition and keeping the body properly hydrated. (Please refer to our nutrition guide on our home page).
(3) I understand that Eat To Live Not To Die are not in partnership with any of the companies mentioned on this website and are not responsible for the information or product there distribute or disperse.
(4) I am not being pressured, intimidated or forced into ingesting the electric plant-based products on this website.
(5) I release liability and do not hold Eat To Live Not To Die Ltd responsible for any adverse effects that may incur
before, during, and after consuming our electric plant-based products. Our blends are ‘proprietary’ blends.
Eat To Live Not To Die hold the right to remove or add more herbs than is listed on the packaging or website without notice.
Due to the nature of the products please note that ALL SALES ARE FINAL AND NO REFUNDS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
All the information on this website is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. Rest assured that none of
your personal information will be shared with any third parties. EATTOLIVENOTTODIE.COM does not make any warranties about
the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information. Any action you take upon the information you find on this website
(EATTOLIVENOTTODIE.COM), is strictly at your own risk. EATTOLIVENOTTODIE.COM will not be liable for any losses and/or damag-
es in connection with the use of our website.
From our website, you can visit other websites by following hyperlinks to such external sites. While we strive to provide only
quality links to useful and ethical websites, we have no control over the content and nature of these sites. These links to other
websites do not imply a recommendation for all the content found on these sites. Site owners and content may change without
notice and may occur before we have the opportunity to remove a link which may have gone ‘bad’.
Please be also aware that when you leave our website, other sites may have different privacy policies and terms which are beyond
our control. Please be sure to check the Privacy Policies of these sites as well as their “Terms of Service” before engaging in any
business or uploading any information.
By using our website, you hereby consent and agree to our disclaimer, Terms & Condtions.
Your Rights To Use
EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE or eattolivenottodie.com. EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE grants You a limited, non-exclusive, non-refundable,
revocable, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to display the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets in accordance with these
Terms. All use by You of the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets (including any goodwill associated therewith) shall inure to the benefit
of EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE. You agree that You shall not challenge, or assist others to challenge, the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets
or the registration or ownership thereof by EATTO LIVE NOT TO DIE (except fo the extent such restriction is prohibited by applicable
law), or attempt fo register any EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets or other names, logos, marks, or materials (including domain names) that are confusingly similar in any way (including but not limited to, sound, appearance and spelling) to any EAT TO
LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets. The EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets are provided “as is” and EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE disclaims all express
and implied warranties, including warranties of non-infringement. EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE shall not be liable to You under any
theory of liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive, exemplary or other damages arising out of
the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets or Your use thereof. This limitation shall apply even if EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE was advised of,
or should have been aware of, the possibility of such damages. Some jurisdictions do not allow certain exclusions or limitations;
in such jurisdictions, the exclusions and limitations stated in these Terms shall apply to You to the maximum extent permitted by
law. Nothing herein grants You any right, title or interest in or to the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets.
All uses of the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets must conform to the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Guidelines in
reference to the use of EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s website, logos and symbols unless You have prior written permission from EAT
No Modification
The EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets must be used as provided by EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE with no
modifications. Do not remove, distort or alter any element of the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets or change any colours.
Do not shorten, abbreviate, or create acronyms out of the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets.
No Generic Use
Do not use EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets in a way that suggests a common, descriptive, or generic mean-
ing. No Plural or Possessive Use. Do not use the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets in the plural or possessive form.
No Incorporation
Do not incorporate EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets into Your own product name, service names,
trademarks, logos, company names, domain names, website titles, publication titles, or the like, unless expressly permitted
No confusingly similar marks
Do not use the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets, including any EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE's
trademark, in a manner that might create confusion about the ownership of the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets.
No confusing source
Do not use the EAT T0 LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets, including any EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE trademark,
in a manner that implies that EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE is the source of Your products or service, or that otherwise might create
contusion about the source of the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets.
Domain names
Do not register the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets, including any EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE trademark,
as domain names or as any part of a domain name.
Trade dress
Do not copy or imitate EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s website design, typefaces, distinctive colour, style, graphic designs, or imagery.
Do not display the EAT T0 LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets in any manner that (i) overstates Your relationship with
EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE; (ii) implies that You have a relationship or affiliation with EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE; (iii) implies You
sponsored or endorsed by EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE; (iv) implies that any content has been authorized by EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE; or
(v) represents the views or opinions of EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE or EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE personnel unless You have prior written
permission from EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE to do so.
Do not display the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets in a manner that makes it the most distinctive or prominent
feature on Your web page, printed material, or other content without express written permission from EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE to
do so.
Violation of Law
Do not display the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets on any website that contains, displays, or promotes
pornography or like adult content, or gambling, the sale of tobacco, alcohol, or firearms to persons under twenty-one (18) years
of age.
Objectionable Use
Do not display the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets in a manner that is misleading, unfair, defamatory,
infringing, libellous, disparaging, obscene, or otherwise objectionable to EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE.
The EAT 10 LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets may not be used in television, film, or video without EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s
prior written permission. Book or Other Publication Titles. The EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets may not be displayed in titles of
publications, including books, without EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s prior written permission.
The EAT T0 LIVE NOT TO DIE Assets may not be used or displayed in or on merchandise or manufactured items
of any kind without EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s prior written permission.
Credit Line
You will reproduce all credit line information provided for the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s Assets.
EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE will interpret Your compliance with these Terms in its sole discretion. EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s may modify
or terminate Your subscription or permission to display or use the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE's Assets at any time. EAT TO LIVE NOT
TO DIE's may take action against any use of the EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s Assets that does not comply with these Terms or written
permission from EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE, infringes any EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s owned or licensed intellectual property or other
right, or violates applicable law.
General Provisions
You may not assign Your rights or delegate Your obligations under these Terms without EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s prior written
consent. These Terms do not create any rights in any third party. These Terms will be governed and construed in accordance with
the laws of the United Kingdom without regard to conflict of law principles. The venue for any dispute or claim shall be United
Kingdom, London. Neither party shall be deemed to be an employee, agent, partner, or legal representative of the other.
EAT TO LIVE NOT TO DIE’s waiver of breach of any provision of these Terms shall not be deemed to be a waiver of the Terms
themselves. If any provision of these Terms is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, void, or unenforceable, such
provision shall be changed and interpreted so as best to accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent
allowed by law and the remaining provisions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.